Agent, a team of 18 MOOHP agents were carefully selected for this mission alongside you. We suggest that you familiarise yourself with them before joining us at MOOHP headquarters. Hover with your mouse (or tap for mobile devices) the agent headshot for more information!

Adam Abbas

Adam Abbas

Junior Agent - MOOHP

Codename: Adam

Age: 17

Height: 5'10/178cm

Specialty: Professional forgetter

Department(s): Machinery and manufacturing

Myers-Briggs type: INTP

Gadget: Laser glasses

Agent Adam

I learned that theory is very far from practice, that most of the time you cannot know what you will lack or find. Thus, I found problems with adjusting to unforeseen difficulties. It also came with the cost of time I would have wasted anyways.

Andrea Abou-Haidar

Andrea Abou-Haidar

Head Agent - MOOHP

Codename: Quack

Age: 17

Height: 5'1/155cm

Specialty: Acrobatics specialist

Department(s): Board of directors, machinery and manufacturing

Myers-Briggs type: INFJ

Gadget: Anti-Gravity Ring

Agent Quack

By being part of the 2022-2023 Marianopolis Robotics Team, I made new friends, developed leadership skills, and most importantly, had lots of fun! Although robotics did take a lot of commitment and some sacrifices were made, I was still able to stay on top of schoolwork and have a good social life while enjoying robotics to the fullest.

Adelina Badea

Adelina Badea

Junior Agent - MOOHP

Codename: Adelina

Age: 17

Height: 5'8/172cm

Specialty: Dragon slayer

Department(s): Machinery

Myers-Briggs type: ENFJ

Gadget: Hairpin lockpick

Agent Adelina

I learned how to make a robotic gripper by devising multiple solutions, building prototypes, testing, and concluding with the best solution. I have never done robotics before, so this system was a big challenge that I spent a lot of energy, time, sleep time, and effort to make it work.

Yau Hong Chau

Yau Hong Chau

Senior Agent - MOOHP

Codename: Croc

Age: 18

Height: 6'/182cm

Specialty: Expert liar

Department(s): Marketing and manufacturing

Myers-Briggs type: ISTJ

Gadget: Cell jammer

Agent Croc

As my team and I worked at a consistent pace while making great progress in preparation for the competition, I learned better time management and how to use the limited time efficiently to stay ahead of our work. In addition, in order to prepare for the competition, I sacrificed both my leisure time, specifically during the winter break, as well as my time for academic work and, most importantly, sleep.

Sofia Del Raso

Sofia Del Raso

Senior Agent - MOOHP

Codename: S.A.D

Age: 19

Height: 5'3/160cm

Specialty: Positivity specialist

Department(s): Machinery and marketing

Myers-Briggs type: ENFP

Gadget: Positivity ray gun

Agent S.A.D

I really enjoyed making new friends! I think the social aspect of the competition is definitely the most enjoyable for me. I also learned how to problem solve and work under pressure which I feel will be great skills to have in the future. I'm really going to miss the CRC.

Audrey Dumais

Audrey Dumais

Junior Agent - MOOHP

Codename: Badger

Age: 17

Height: 5'4/162cm

Specialty: Wall catcher

Department(s): Virtual network, marketing and manufacturing

Myers-Briggs type: ENFJ

Gadget: Flint's lighter with 82 functions

Agent Badger

Working together, as a team, supporting each other, is the reason I became an agent. As a member of the VN division, I know we put so much energy solely on learning programming languages such as React.js and Next.js to make sure our agents in the field would have a smooth mission.

Zoe Hadziaras

Zoe Hadziaras

Junior Agent - MOOHP

Codename: Hadz

Age: 18

Height: 5'8/172cm

Specialty: Professional mess maker

Department(s): Manufacturing and marketing

Myers-Briggs type: ESFP

Gadget: Paint roller

Agent Hadz

I learned that it is not important to only be dedicated to one specialty. This year has taught me to be able to work in different groups such as the kiosk and the robot. The one big thing I had to sacrifice was my winter break, but it was worth it as I enjoy robotics and my team so much.

Isabella Hensley

Isabella Hensley

Senior Agent - MOOHP

Codename: Hensley

Age: 18

Height: 5'9/175cm

Specialty: Meal assembler

Department(s): Machinery and manufacturing

Myers-Briggs type: INTJ

Gadget: Jet pack boots

Agent Hensley

I learned about linear motion systems and electronics. I enjoyed building the robot and talking with my teammates even if it meant that I had to sacrifice my sleep schedule.

Victoria Hoang

Victoria Hoang

Senior Agent - MOOHP

Codename: Vi

Age: 18

Height: 5'6/167cm

Specialty: Bee modeler

Department(s): Virtual network, marketing and manufacturing

Myers-Briggs type: INFP

Gadget: Camera-clad pigeon

Agent Vi

I learned new and more efficient ways to build websites using React.js and Next.js. Making new friends and learning from them everyday made the sleep deprivation and time commitment worth it!

Vincent Ly

Vincent Ly

Senior Agent - MOOHP

Codename: Ly

Age: 18

Height: 5'9/175cm

Specialty: Losing my sanity

Department(s): Machinery and hacking

Myers-Briggs type: ISTJ

Gadget: Sunglasses with night vision

Agent Ly

I learned how to Regex, how to simplex, how mechanisms work and how to assemble a robot. By dedicating my time to robotics, I am taking a risk since I have less time to prepare for university applications, but I think that this risk is totally worth it.

Nehna Patel

Nehna Patel

Head Agent - MOOHP

Codename: Patel

Age: 18

Height: 5'4/162cm

Specialty: Mind reading

Department(s): Board of directors and manufacturing

Myers-Briggs type: ESFP

Gadget: Compowder

Agent Patel

Throughout the years competing in the CRC competition, I've learned countless different things - whether that'd be developing my building, organizational or management skills. My favourite part of every competition is seeing an idea turn into exactly what we wanted it to, seeing the final product is always something to be proud of. I did spend a lot of my time on robotics in general, but it was always time I enjoyed.

Ruwa Qatmash

Ruwa Qatmash

Junior Agent - MOOHP

Codename: Qatmash

Age: 18

Height: 5'6/167cm

Specialty: Wd-40 specialist

Department(s): Machinery and manufacturing

Myers-Briggs type: ENTJ

Gadget: Wd-40

Agent Qatmash

I learned how to efficiently manage my time between robotics and school. I also learned how to solder wires and motors with a soldering iron, as well as how to add a heat seal using the heat gun in order to protect our solders and make them more durable.

Celia Shi

Celia Shi

Senior Agent - MOOHP

Codename: Seal

Age: 18

Height: 5'8/172cm

Specialty: Animal whisperer

Department(s): Virtual network, marketing, manufacturing and hacking

Myers-Briggs type: INFP

Gadget: Remote-controlled insect

Agent Seal

This is my first time doing anything robotics related and I loved my experience. I learned how to code in React.js and Next.js and I finally learned how to use git command lines instead of using a GUI client like GitKraken. I struggled with git in the beginning, but now it is much easier.

Sangeeta Vidyarthi

Sangeeta Vidyarthi

Senior Agent - MOOHP

Codename: Sangeeta

Age: 18

Height: 5'2/157cm

Specialty: Invisibility

Department(s): Machinery and marketing

Myers-Briggs type: ESFJ

Gadget: Microphone pen

Agent Sangeeta

This year in robotics, I learned how to work towards accomplishing numerous tasks in a short time. I really enjoyed meeting new people and talking about their future plans as well as taking the lead in video planning and editing. I did sacrifice my APs and my winter break. However, I learned new things regarding the robot, for instance the robotic arm mechanism.

Zi Heng Wang

Zi Heng Wang

Junior Agent - MOOHP

Codename: Zi Heng

Age: 18

Height: 5'9/175cm

Specialty: Sleep specialist

Department(s): Machinery, manufacturing and hacking

Myers-Briggs type: INTJ

Gadget: Alligator clips

Agent Zi Heng

Overall, it was extremely fun to work on the robot. I loved meeting new people and working with highly competent teammates. This competition has taught me more about programming and the functioning of electrical circuits, and I have also acquired many time management and teamwork skills.

Carolyn Wu

Carolyn Wu

Junior Agent - MOOHP

Codename: Wu

Age: 18

Height: 5'4/162cm

Specialty: Senior developer

Department(s): Virtual network, hacking, manufacturing and marketing

Myers-Briggs type: INTJ

Gadget: Wristwatch camera

Agent Wu

I learned a lot about the Next.js framework and various ways to create both 2D and 3D animations. My main struggles were CSS positioning, finding a good approach to animate elements, as well as integrating and customizing npm packages I'd never used before. Though I sacrificed time I could have spent studying or with friends and family, I had lots of fun getting to know my teammates and improving my coding skills.

Elisa Xue

Elisa Xue

Junior Agent - MOOHP

Codename: Emu

Age: 18

Height: 5'6/167cm

Specialty: Enhanced hearing

Department(s): Marketing and manufacturing

Myers-Briggs type: ISTP

Gadget: Recording pen

Agent Emu

Through this experience, I learned time management and teamwork skills. I enjoyed meeting new people and having something to work on outside of class. This was my first time doing robotics, so there were many things that I needed help with, but I had a lot of fun. My main struggle was waking up in the morning during the winter break.

Jennifer Zhang

Jennifer Zhang

Junior Agent - MOOHP

Codename: Yiting Zhang

Age: 18

Height: 5'7/170cm

Specialty: Smile specialist

Department(s): Machinery and manufacturing

Myers-Briggs type: ENTJ

Gadget: Wd-40 camera

Agent Yiting Zhang

As a member of the robot division, I enjoy working with my partners. I made new friends and we cooperated smoothly to reach our maximum. I learned a lot about motors, tools and different uses of parts. It's an extremely enjoyable experience and I will cherish it forever.

Dominique Paradis

Dominique Paradis

Executive Agent - MOOHP

Codename: Paradis

Age: (Confidential)

Height: (Confidential)

Specialty: Disguise Expert

Department(s): Board of directors

Myers-Briggs type: (Confidential)

Gadget: Shoe Phone

Agent Paradis

I am mostly here to deal with the aspects of the team that diverge from the main goal. I help organize budget, transport of materials, team membership and scheduling. I want to make sure the students focus on the important aspects of the competition: the robot, the kiosk, video and website.