Welcome to the MOOHP archives, Agent! MOOHP's directors carefully curated a team of agents from the Marianopolis Academic Research Institute to complete AVIA 2023. 18 members first convened in early September, then consistently twice a week, to explore their skillsets and discover how they could each contribute to such an important mission.

  1. November 7th, 2022

    MOOHP agents receive an urgent message from the CRC: they are to convene at the site of the mission, Curé-Antoine-Labelle High School, to receive crucial information on this year's mission. 8 agents from varying MOOHP divisions are selected to receive and pass on the information. With these important tools finally at their disposal, our agents are quick to get to work!

    Team members on their way to the kickoff
  1. November 13th, 2022

    The members of the Machinery Division begin brainstorming ideas for an efficient and creative robot. They focus first and foremost on the possible mechanism responsible for picking up and transporting the horizontal game pieces. They are conflicted between two models: the angled claw and the linear motion.

    Robot team planning out prototypes
  1. November 13th, 2022

    Meanwhile, the base that had been saved from previous MOOHP agents was too small for the wheels chosen and was therefore rebuilt on a smaller scale.

    Agents work on the base of the robot
  1. December 20th, 2022

    In December, they begin to build their prototypes to pick between the two models of their arm once both have been tested and compared.

    Robot team presents a cardboard robot arm prototype
  1. January 4th, 2023

    In January, machinery agents divide into subgroups. They make outstanding progress on all the gadget's components. For one, the team assembles the base frame. The power motors ensure the wheels' rotation are programmed.

    Testing of the wheels on the robot's base
  1. January 5th, 2023

    After careful planning, agents begin building the mechanical lift, completing two stages and attaching the chains to each.

    Sofia and Vincent work on the mechanical lift
  1. January 7th, 2023

    Finally, the machinists successfully fabricate a functional arm with the ability to lift the game pieces. They continue working on both prototypes and plan to have them completed and tested by the end of January.

    Agents showcase the arm's linear motion
  1. January 11th, 2023

    Meanwhile, other machinery agents work on the mechanical lift. Their work was tedious, having to make many small adjustments to their original design, but they succeed nonetheless!

    Completed mechanical lift
  1. January 13th, 2023

    With the base, the arm, and the lift completed, the Machinery subdivisions can join forces and assemble the robot.

    Agents regroup to begin assembling the robot
  1. January 17th, 2023

    During assembly, however, agents encounter an issue: their 3D-printed adapters began to bend! Also, the mechanical lift they supported has trouble staying upright. To resolve this problem, they find resources to recreate the adapters using metal instead of plastic for a more sturdy structure.

    Attaching the lift to the base